The Law Office of John B. Fabriele, III, LLC supports the collective fight against COVID-19. Our hearts go out to all those impacted by this terrible virus. Following guidance from public health authorities, we understand that practicing social distancing as much as possible is critically important at this time. There is no question this is a time of great uncertainty. While we don’t know exactly what the future may hold, we feel confident that by sticking together and supporting each other, we’ll emerge from this stronger than before.
During this time, we remain committed to serving our Clients. The situation is changing rapidly, and to do our part in slowing the spread of the virus, we are prepared to conduct client updates and virtual consultations via phone (audio) and video calls/online meetings through ZOOM. This is a free app for both Android and iOS devices which you can find in the App/Android Store and download to your Smartphone or computer. To schedule a consultation, by phone or using ZOOM, please call our office at 732-246-0888. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!
Thank you, stay safe, and take care of yourselves and each other.
John B. Fabriele, III, Esq.
*If you have questions regarding Covid-19, or Governor Murphy’s ‘stay at home’ order, click here.
*If you have questions regarding the status of the court system, click here.
*For your convenience, we accept all major credit and atm cards, PayPal, venmo and Zelle.